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Hello, it's Sunday

and.. you guessed it, I like cars! As a matter of fact, this has been the case since I was a kid.

You can call it 'timing', although It took a world pandemic, when all car related events were cancelled, exhibitions postponed or held virtually, when I realised I missed participating in such events!
The same day I started working on this platform, assuming other people must be missing cars too! :) ...

And that' how the Steering Heel was born. Aspiring to bring interesting automotive moments to your attention, and opting to diversify the fan base of car lovers all over the world! Fascinated by the evolution of car design through the years - gotta love the classics - and intrigued by new models, I spend a descent chunk of my time taking pictures of cars and researching the next event or car show to attend.

Building up on this thought, I started recoding videos for youtube as a way to share with you the most interesting cars I come across, while I explore the beautiful city of Amsterdam, and the European car scene.

Your feedback matters and I'm always excited to hear your thoughts and ideas, so please, do connect on social media.

As a final note (for now), I will be creating videos full of automotive content, to entertain and inform our community, and to spark interesting conversations.






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